Because a person's a person, no matter how small. - Dr. Seuss
I wanted to make sure that everyone knows about Red Envelope Day, March 31.
Just a quick explanation. As a Christian, I am concerned about the 50 million lives that have been lost through legalized abortion. Although I have strong belief that the war for these precious lives is more successfully won through love and support of both women and babies, I know that God would honor a country that honors life and protects the helpless.
It is with this concern that we are reaching out. It is the goal to send as many red envelopes to President Obama on March 31st as we possibly can, each one empty and representing a life that was not allowed to be lived.
You can get all the information you need at - including sending online, where all you have to do is pay for your share and they will send them for you, or you can find out useful info such as how to make red envelopes from paper if you cannot find them in the store (I couldn't.)
So get involved! It's a chance to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. One little red envelope would never be noticed at the White House, but if we were able to send millions, perhaps minds would be changed. You never know what can be accomplished when the family of God comes together in unity and faith.
You can find red envelopes at most scrapbooking stores (or stores that carry 'make your own card' products). I got some at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago for some invitations I mailed, and I know Jo-Anne's and Cord Camera Scrapbooking carry them too. Making them from paper is cheaper, but for those who don't have the time, you can get them there.
Thanks for posting this Miranda! :)
Thanks Amy! Good info!
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