Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Musings on Oil

Who knew oil could be so interesting?

My husband and I have been reading David Jeremiah's new book What In The World Is Going On? and I have learned some interesting new facts that have initiated a new train of thought that I wanted to write about to sort out the ideas.

First of all, I find it quite interesting to realize that the smelly and often expensive gas we pump into our cars every few days or weeks has quite a history. It seems a few thousand years ago there was "some sort" of cataclysmic event that destroyed all life. Even secular scientists and archaeologists are now admitting that there is evidence for a spectacular flood, though they refuse to acknowledge all the details of the Bible. But it seems that most of this life that was suddenly extinguished by water was concentrated in the region the Bible describes as the Garden of Eden.

You can't have all life on earth destroyed and not leave some kind of reminder of the event. All that lush vegetation Genesis tells us of, all those lives lost in and around the fertile crescent, over time, became the rich and necessary oil that pretty much holds up our society today.

We as Americans have put ourselves in a tenuous place. We have become so ingrained with greed and the constant desire for more that we have placed ourselves at the mercy of the people who now occupy the lands where this oil is located, deep underground. And while the majority of Muslim people are peaceable, there is a dangerous and ever-growing sect of Islam that has one goal. Destroy Israel and all her sympathizers. Rule the world. At ANY cost.

Right now, America guzzles up an embarrassing amount of oil compared to other nations. While Russia and Europe and even the nations that possess such rich commodities use under 10% of the resources available, our figure is near 30%!

It seems that this addiction to oil may be the downfall of a country that so many fought so hard to free. Could it be that the past 232 years of US History could be obliterated in a heartbeat because we became so dependent on nations that despise our freedom?

I'm afraid for the future of this country that has been a safe haven for the Jewish people and for Christians alike. I pray that we can all take seriously the threats that loom about us and make it a priority to stop grasping all that we can get and start thinking about conserving, about restricting ourselves, about learning to live in a more moderate and sensible manner.

After all, isn't our attitude about possessions and wanting more what brought on this economic crisis in the first place? When we decided that we didn't need to actually earn the money we spent, that we deserved to have it all? It wasn't just individuals either. I'm concerned about the amount of money our government spends when the stores are not only empty, but well in the negative.

It's time to adopt some new attitudes. It's time to come together as a nation and make some changes. I only hope that we will realize this before it is too late.

I also look forward more each day to the coming of the Lord Jesus. To see His face and know that the threat is over, that the evil that resides in the world will never be able to seek to destroy us again.

Come, Jesus. I'm so ready to be with You.

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