Saturday, August 20, 2011

More Butterfly News

Icky Picky has emerged. It's been three hours and he's still not showing any signs of wanting to fly. His personality is holding true.

I did some more research today. What we have raised are actually Eastern Black Swallowtails rather than Anise Swallowtails. I had no idea how many varieties of Swallowtails there are!

I also discovered how to tell the difference between males and females. Our Firstborn was a female. Icky Picky is a male. How to tell? Pretty simple. Like most in nature - the male is prettier.

It's hard not to watch their metamorphosis and not be amazed at the creativity of their Maker. Everything about them speaks of wonderfully intelligent Creator. One who lovingly thought of every last thing.

There's also a good deal of spiritual insight to gain from observation. I'm not the first to come to that conclusion, but it's been reiterated to me as I took care of them. I guess if I could put it into one sentence it would be this: I'm not yet what I'm going to be. I'm lumbering around doing my best to stay fed and not let anything eat me... I sometimes look up at the sky and long to jump and find myself soaring on eagle's wings. I can almost feel the wind lifting me higher and higher if I close my eyes and dream.

Reality is pretty harsh as a caterpillar. But God promises that the transformation will not be complete until I am no longer earth-bound.

I'm looking forward to that. One other thing the caterpillars reminded me. Sometimes it seems like people are stuck in their chrysalis. They haven't moved in days and it's easy to think maybe they're just dead. Maybe hope is gone.

But keep watching, and we might be surprised to suddenly see beauty emerge.

It's an hour later and Icky Picky has finally decided he's ready to go. I'm going to try to upload our video from his goodbye. (And yes, he took his time. It's a long video.) Tried twice. And admitted I don't know how to upload a video. I've done it before, but apparently I have forgotten or blogger has changed. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it!


Amy said...

this was encouraging to me. :) i was already in the butterfly mindset after reading a quote online this week:

just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly...


you put some lovely words to my thoughts. :)

Miranda said...

I love that quote! :)
