I'm once again participating in fellow blogger Angela Nazworth's "9 on the 9th." (Read hers, "Becoming Me" link to the left, very funny!)
I have chosen to relay 9 things about motherhood I did not in my wildest dreams expect.
1. The way your stomach looks after having a baby. Never the same. Enjoy your pre-baby tummy while you have it, if you still do. (Or maybe it's just the size of my son that did it.)
2. Peanut butter smudges on the light switches. All of them.
3. The illusive clean carpet or floor. Even if I clean them, as soon as I'm done, the crumbs and debris return. Actually, the same goes for 5 sets of clothes, the dishes, the bathrooms, etc....
4. The complete absence of boredom. I have not been bored for the past 5 years. I kind of miss it.
5. I've forgotten what "quiet" is.
6. Who knew "The Upside Down Show" could be so philosophically stimulating?
7. The boundless and unrelenting energy of a 2 year old boy. It defies nature. There is no explanation.
8. Instead of a chorus of gratitude and appreciation for my slaving over a hot stove, I get to hear things like "I don't like this" "I'm not eating this" or the ever popular and heartfelt "We're having this AGAIN?"
9. Who knew that sacrificing your life, your body, your time, your energy and just about everything else you once held dear could be so undeniably rewarding?
Have something to share? Come up with your own 9 on the 9th and link to Angela's site.
I love, love, love this list. Thank you so much for playing.
LOVE "The Upside Down Show". Great list. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments. Yes, I too feel a kindred spirit with you...
I loved your list....and one day you will know what silence is like. It's deafening sometimes... I used to say "I don't know what it's like to be bored"....until my kids got busy with youth group and other activities. Then I had so much alone time that I didn't know what to do with myself.... It comes and goes...some days are busier than others now... All of my kids are home with me. My oldest just returned to live with us for a while after a 5 month's missions trip, so once again, the house is busy....but in a different way than yours. Now I have a day where I get to leave and have a getaway with God and my writing each week. It's a blessed time for me. I go to the grocery store alone...etc..
The days fly by now.
Thanks again for visiting me and your sweet words.
I look forward to getting to know you!
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