Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Problem of Sin

It's not a popular idea. Never has the concept of sin been so unacceptable in a culture before this day. Never have people tried so relentlessly to claim perfection - to subscribe to the "mostly good" view of humanity.

The problem is that we all know, deep down, whether we admit it or not, that we are sinful. And what does it mean to be sinful? What is sin? Sin is when we miss the mark, when we come up short, when we are incapable of doing what is right 100 percent of the time. And who can claim that they are sinless by that definition? Even if our motive was to continue the rest of our days in perfection, no one would honestly attain to it. We would be quickly betrayed by our own nature. That is why we need police, government, teachers, parents. We need someone in charge, someone or some institution enforcing rules and protecting life. Because without that restraint, we would quickly destroy ourselves.

A good measure of the awareness of sin is to look at another's failure. When you are wronged personally by someone else, you see their sin. You feel the injustice. It is easy to ignore our own tenable character, to justify our intentions and validate our actions. But bear the brunt of someone else's neglect of goodness, and suddenly we are staring sin in the face.

So why do we fight so hard against what we really are? Why are we so determined to prove something a lie that we all know is truth? Is it because to yield to our own helpless state is to give up hope for a better world, a better life, a better outcome once we have completed our days on earth?

God knew that His creation, when given a choice between good and evil, would choose evil. He knew the price for that failure long before he ever set Adam's heart beating. He sent a perfect human form of himself to live among us, to show us what perfection is and what it can accomplish, and then he allowed his only perfect human son to die at the expense of all humanity. An untainted sacrifice was made. Holy life was exchanged as a price for sin, and as a result, the rest of humanity can walk free if they choose to do so.

And we certainly have always had a choice. God is not in the business of controlling our will. He will do what it takes to reach us. He will convince us of our need in the quiet moments of our ponderings. He will show us the answer who hung on the cross, then rose again in victory over death to show us that there is a way for a human being so affected by sin to become spotless, to walk free from our prison, to enjoy immortality and eternal happiness as his grateful offspring. But he won't make that decision for us. He wants us to throw off the burden of our own pride, run into his arms, and never look back at all the darkness we have left behind. He wants us simply to follow him. He will take whatever minute seed of faith that exists in our heart and make it grow - make it flourish into unbelievable beauty.

I have been reading lately in the book of Hosea. Hosea was a prophet who was instructed by God to marry a prostitute. Not only did he ask him to marry her, but to forgive her countless times when she fell back into her old ways. There is a picture I take away from Hosea, one of a righteous man standing in front of an auction block, where his unfaithful wife stands in chains because she has returned to her former ways, returned to the muck that her husband had pulled her out of in the first place. He steps forward. He pays the price for her. He takes her home and loves her, forgives her. Just like Jesus. I’m so glad he was willing to step forward and pay my price. I’m so grateful that I’ve given him my life. And he’s done so much more with it than I ever could have hoped to dream.

Let him do the same for you.

Man's ultimate problem is most definitely our sinful state. Man's ultimate solution is a Savior named Jesus, who loves to save and delights in cleansing a soul. Trust him today with your heavy load of sin. Burdens are lifted at the cross.

“Return… to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall. Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to him: Forgive all our sins… The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.” – From Hosea 14


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Wow. That's really all I can write. EXCELLENT post. Wow.

Miranda said...

Can't take credit for these ideas. Only God could have come up with them! :) I'm just glad to pass them on. Thanks for reading.
