Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's a rather basic rule for writers. At least for this culture. Don't preach to your audience. As strongly as I feel about any subject, it is not helpful to shake my finger in people's faces and tell them what's what.

So I amend my post from yesterday. Modification is in order. While I stand by every point I made, I left out the part where I give some practical applications to how I am going to endeavor to change my heart in the matter of being a member of the Laodicean church. (see previous post)

So, how in the world can I go from where I am to the place God has for me? How can I be earnest, repent, and invite Jesus into my heart's home to fellowship with him in this busy, busy society and time?

Well, I haven't figured it all out yet. But I've got some ideas. Obviously, the answer is in the Bible. Tonight in our family devotions we read Deuteronomy 30. A verse has been stuck in my mind ever since.

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

The key is loving God. When we love him, it makes us desire what he desires, and the result will be that we walk in his ways. When we do that, we find peace despite our circumstances. But this key is hard to grasp hold of in a time that is so against God in so many ways. Loving God cannot happen if we don't know him. The more time we spend with him, the easier this will come to us.

So if I can focus my energy and effort on loving God more, I will see him start to work in my life toward earnestness, toward repentance, and toward fellowship with him. It's what he wants. If the Creator of this universe desires to fellowhip with me, what kind of life am I missing out on if I choose my own way?

Just my thoughts on this Wednesday evening. I pray we all figure out what God wants for the church in this time in history. He loves us. He wants us. Let's move back toward him. Let's purpose to do things his way, even if it requires more effort than we think we possess.

It's suprising what you possess when you surrender to such an amazing Source of life and peace.


Marissa Kaye said...

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. -John Piper

I enjoyed reading your post(s).

Miranda said...

Very appropriate quote, Marissa! Thanks for reading!
